Sunday, January 13, 2013


I'm okay,It didn't get me. That was a close one though,way too close for comfort. That pretty much confirms that It is after me, so much for having hope. I'm exhausted now, so much running. If Slendy shows up again now I'd probably be too tired to run. x.x
What happened? Slender man happened.If you read my last post you already know that. But I'll tell you the full story now.

As I was typing my last post I looked out the window of the bar I was in. And there It stood, across the street,"looking" at me. I panicked, wrote that last sentence in the middle of what I was writing,posted it and ran out the door. Good thing I already paid for my drink.

I ran into several alleyways trying to be as unpredictable as possible. Apparently that should help. Not too sure if it actually did since It chased me for quite a while. Its fucking hard to run from something that can just appear in front of you. He almost managed to grab me once, almost. Missed me by an inch, fucking arms are longer than I thought or they stretch, I don't know.

Maybe I should be more descriptive,although it would sound stupid. "I turned left, He popped up again so I turned right and kept running. Then he popped up in front of me again and tried to grab me, I dodged to the left and ran more, then he popped up again. etcetera "A page full of that, not that fun to read I think. But ye that's what it was. Slender man is too repetitive, how am I supposed to write exciting chasing scenes if he acts like that. Damned monsters these days, just ain't what they used to be. :/

At least I'm still alive right? Gotta keep moving for now, don't want him finding me again.<x3

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