Monday, January 14, 2013


I just got an e-mail from Kat, I'd copy paste it but its in dutch so I guess I have to translate it.


Where are you?! The police is looking for you because your house like exploded! Are you alright? I heard about your mother, I'm sorry. I hope you're OK. I'm really worried about you D:
I haven't seen you in more than a week! I'm sorry about last time,I was just a bit angry. I won't be angry anymore. Just come back! I miss you! :( "

I'd love to go back, but I know better. If I go back I will put Kat's life at risk. And as much as it pains me to ignore her e-mail, I won't reply. It could be a trap after all, I doubt it but I have to be careful. At least now I know she doesn't hate me.

Its hard to resist though, even more so because of a dream I had. My dreams are still as messed up as they were but I didn't post them anymore because, well I forgot. They didn't matter much anymore anyway. But this one can't be a good sign.

It was snowing at night and the streets were completely empty. I was shivering as I walked through a street that never seemed to end. I looked into a window and saw my mother's reflection, turned around nothing there.
So I kept walking and walking and walking, the snow increased and it got colder. Next window had Jim's reflection, turned around, again nothing there.
Kept walking further, the lights went out. More snow fell on me, it felt heavy. Next window had Kat's reflection, turned around, once more nothing there.
A few steps further the wind started blowing hard, nearly knocked me over. Looked back into the window,saw a red headed girl standing in the reflection. I'm gonna guess it was Cecilia, shes the only redhead I know by name. (Yes Cecilia, you are now the girl of my dreams. I know, bad pun,sorry.)
She waved at me before her expression changed from happy to scared. She pointed to my left and the word "Run" appeared on the window. Then I heard:

"Lady bugs and butterflies,
Buzzing bees up in the sky.
Teeny, tiny little ants,
Crawling up and down your pants
Many insects can be found
In, out and all around. "

Cecilia was gone and instead a small boy stood in the reflection. I turned around and..
Then I woke up, if my previous dreams are anything to go by I need to find company quickly. Or I'll have the cold boy after my ass too. And I don't think I can handle three Fears.

So that makes it even harder to decline Kat's request. This just keeps getting worse and worse. Damn you Belgian runners, Y U NO MAKE BLOG.
Until next time.<x3


  1. I'd be more concerned that someone might use Kat to get to you.

    1. I already mentioned that it might be a trap.Or do you mean they might, I dunno kidnap Kat to lure me out or something like that?

    2. What Eulogy said is what I meant. It might not have been Kat, or they're already turned her into a servant.

  2. Or that someone IS. These Things have methods, they could be manipulating Kat to get you, or it may not have actually been Kat who sent you the e-mail.

    I'd offer to keep you company, but you've chosen a ridiculously bad time to get lonely. I am quite busy.

    1. Thats part of what I called a trap,may it be natural or not.

      Thats a kind offer but thats assuming we are in the same universe.And I know its just an expression but I've chosen none of this.

      But thanks.

  3. At the end of this week, when my wounds will heal, I believe the next week I'll be passing by Belgium on my way to Lithuania, I could try and find you, lend you some supplies for your survival.

    Reply, if I should put this in consideration, could also help you out with your "cold boy" situation.

    Good luck

    - Mr. Incognito.

  4. What the hell? o.O
    Alicia what is this nonsense blog?
    Anyway just come home, where are you?! D:

    1. I think you should open your eyes and just believe your friend here.

    2. Or better yet, close them and never open this blog or any other associated with this, ever again.

      - Mr. Incognito.
