Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Another present

What the hell is this? A national lets-anonymously-gift-Alicia-mysterious-things day? Because this is really starting to weird me out. When we came back from dinner there was a package lying in front of the van. It had a label saying "for Alicia".
Mr.Incognito didn't trust it, neither did I. After a long debate that I won't bother posting about, we opened it carefully. I'll give you one guess as to what was in it.

Nope not that and not that either.Seriously you guys have dirty minds. Just kidding, although its probably true, partly at least. In the package were two things. The weighted knuckle gloves I wanted so badly and a note.

"Little owl why won't you wake up. The clouds aren't what you think they are. Perhaps these will help you open your eyes."

Sounds very familiar if you ask me. <.<
For those that didn't read Kat's last post before she became a camper, it's her it. Why did EAT send me a gift and why did she it seem to be helping me last time? It just doesn't make sense, but then again none of this does.
I'm not sure I trust the gloves but they don't seem wet or anything. I won't be wearing them until I'm sure they are safe. (Which means never.)

Mr.Incognito is driving right now, we are trying to find a good place to start our stake out. Not too far from the dentist's office and not too far from decent places to get food. We just need OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT THING!


  1. I think EAT has a little crush on you.


    1. Oh god I hope not. I don't swing that way. You know, the eldritch abomination way.

      Don't worry Ceci dear, I'm all yours.<x3
