Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God damn it Kat!

I know you follow my blog now so I'll only say this once. WALK AWAY, RIGHT NOW! Forget about this blog and forget about me. And stop with that blog of yours, it'll only make things worse.
DO NOT come looking for me.

You are right this is all just me talking about my dreams. I'm alright, don't worry about me, I don't worry about you either. So just fuck off, yes I kissed you but it meant nothing. I was just messing with you. I don't give a shit about you, I don't even like you. SO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU ANNOYING CUNT!!

Everyone that follows this blog, tell Kat that she needs to stop stalking me. If she asks about my blog tell her the truth, that its just my dreams on a blog. And then tell her she should leave me the fuck  alone. She's the only one following me, not Slendy, not the Intrusion, just Kat! And it needs to stop NOW!

I will keep posting my dreams on here because I enjoy it and I know you guys do too. I'll post my dream from last night soon, but now I just need ..some distractions.<x3


  1. Sweety, just calm down. I'm not sure how your Slenderman works, but...I'm hoping things will go well.

    *looks over to Kat* Of course just in context of her dreams of course. *cough*

    1. Ceci,I have no idea either but I'd rather not find out I think...

      And ofcourse things will go well, its just some dreams after all.

  2. Try going fishing or eating some waffles, you're in Belgium you gotta have good waffle places. How I envy you, Luxembourg doesn't really have that many waffle places.

    1. I'd rather not go near the water,too many shrimp.But waffles are good.

  3. But but..I don't..Alicia wat bedoelt ge nu?! Ge meent dit toch nie?D:
    We waren toch beste vriendinnen?!

    1. I have no idea what you have said, but I will take a wild guess and say that it was something about "Why do you say such things?" and other nonsense like that.

      I believe she had told you what she wanted, and that is for you to stay away, what kind of friend are you if you do not understand that?

      - Mr. Incognito.
